South-east Europe HNV Farming Network

Duration: started in 2010 – ongoing
Funding: EFNCP work programme
Contact: EFNCP, SEE Office, BULGARIA: Yanka Kazakova, Vyara Stefanova

Project Albania Korabi mountain landscape


  1. Provide a forum for networking and experience exchange among SEE countries, and between EU and non-EU countries;
  2. Present information on the current state of HNV farming identification and support in the region;
  3. Illustrate HNV farming in the region with examples and case studies;
  4. Identify common interests and develop joint activities on HNV farming in the region during 2011 and beyond.

Project Macedonia Lakavica region


The project aims at bringing together all countries from south-eastern Europe focusing on non EU-members. So far partners from Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania have been identified and invited to join the network.


Project Macedonia Region Reka - Mavrovo

Further Information:

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European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Date: 2025/01/13
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