South-east Europe HNV Farming Network
Duration: started in 2010 – ongoing
Funding: EFNCP work programme
Contact: EFNCP, SEE Office, BULGARIA: Yanka Kazakova, Vyara Stefanova
- Provide a forum for networking and experience exchange among SEE countries, and between EU and non-EU countries;
- Present information on the current state of HNV farming identification and support in the region;
- Illustrate HNV farming in the region with examples and case studies;
- Identify common interests and develop joint activities on HNV farming in the region during 2011 and beyond.
The project aims at bringing together all countries from south-eastern Europe focusing on non EU-members. So far partners from Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania have been identified and invited to join the network.
- SEE Regional HNV Farming Policy Workshop in Zagreb (Croatia) in November 2011
- Production of a brochure in 5 languages (English, Albanian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian) dealing with the current status and key challenges of High Nature Value Farming in the Western Balkans.
- Exchange of experiences and networking during a meeting in Sofia (Dec. 2010)
Further Information:
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